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Package tawesoft

import "tawesoft.co.uk/go"

Overview ▾

A monorepo for small Go modules maintained by Tawesoft®

This is permissively-licensed open source software but exact licenses may vary between modules.

For license information, documentation, source code, support, links, etc. please see https://www.tawesoft.co.uk/go


These packages are moving to https://github.com/tawesoft/golib.

This is to increase security against possible supply chain attacks such as our domain name expiring in the future and being registered by someone else.

Please migrate to https://github.com/tawesoft/golib (when available) instead.

Most programs relying on a package in this monorepo, such as the dialog or lxstrconv packages, will continue to work for the foreseeable future.

Rarely used packages have been hidden for now - they are in the git commit history at https://github.com/tawesoft/go if you need to resurrect one.

Index ▾

Package files



Name Synopsis
dialog Package dialog implements simple cross platform native MessageBox/Alert dialogs for Go.
glcaps Package glcaps provides a nice interface to declare OpenGL capabilities you care about, including minimum required extensions or capabilities.
humanizex Package humanizex is an elegant, general-purpose, extensible, modular, locale-aware way to format and parse numbers and quantities - like distances, bytes, and time - in a human-readable way ideal for config files and as a building-block for fully translated ergonomic user interfaces.
custom-durations Example leveraging the raw parts of FormatParts to handle durations in a custom even nicer way for the english language.
custom-factors Example using custom time factors from the Battlestar Galactica 1978 TV series.
simple Example formatting and parsing Byte quantities in various locales
lxstrconv Package lxstrconv is an attempt at implementing locale-aware parsing of numbers that integrates with golang.org/x/text.
operator Package operator implements logical, arithmetic, bitwise and comparison operators as functions (like the Python operator module).
calculator Using operators in lookup tables for a command-line calculator program
simple Using operators as function arguments