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Source file src/tawesoft.co.uk/go/humanizex/factor.go

Documentation: src/tawesoft.co.uk/go/humanizex/factor.go

     1  package humanizex
     3  // Factors describes a way to format a quantity with units.
     4  type Factors struct{
     5      // Factors is a list of Factor entries in ascending order of size.
     6      Factors []Factor
     8      // Components controls how the formatting is broken up -
     9      //
    10      // - if zero (default) or 1 (interchangeable), formatting has a single
    11      // component e.g. "1.5 M".
    12      //
    13      // - if 2 or more, formatting is broken up into previous factors e.g.
    14      // "1 h 50 min" (2 components) or "1 h 50 min 25 s" (3 components)
    15      Components int
    16  }
    18  // Factor defines one entry in an ordered list of Factors.
    19  type Factor struct{
    21      // Magnitude defines the absolute size of the factor e.g. 1000000 for the
    22      // SI unit prefix "M".
    23      Magnitude float64
    25      // Label describes the magnitude, usually as a unit prefix (like SI "M")
    26      // or as a replacement (like "min"), controlled by Mode.
    27      Unit Unit
    29      // Mode controls the formatting of this factor
    30      Mode FactorMode
    31  }
    33  // FactorMode controls the formatting of a factor.
    34  type FactorMode int
    36  const (
    37      // FactorModeIdentity indicates that the given factor label represents the
    38      // unit with no changes.
    39      FactorModeIdentity   = FactorMode(0)
    41      // FactorModeUnitPrefix indicates the given factor label is a unit prefix
    42      // e.g. "Ki" is a byte prefix giving "KiB".
    43      FactorModeUnitPrefix = FactorMode(1)
    45      // FactorModeReplace indicates the given factor label replaces the current
    46      // unit e.g. the duration of time 100 s becomes 1 min 40 s, not 1 hs
    47      // (hectosecond)!
    48      FactorModeReplace    = FactorMode(2)
    50      // FactorModeInputCompat indicates that the given factor label should only
    51      // be considered on input. This may be combined with any other FactorMode
    52      // by a bitwise OR operation.
    53      FactorModeInputCompat = FactorMode(4)
    54  )
    56  // bracket returns the index of the first Factor greater or equal to n except
    57  // if n is smaller than the first Factor, returns the first Factor (zero).
    58  // Excludes factors with mode FactorModeInputCompat.
    59  func (f Factors) bracket(n float64) int {
    60      if len(f.Factors) == 0 {
    61          panic("operation not defined on an empty list of factors")
    62      }
    64      if n < f.Factors[0].Magnitude { return 0 }
    66      for i, factor := range f.Factors[1:] {
    67          if factor.Mode & FactorModeInputCompat == FactorModeInputCompat {
    68              continue // skip
    69          }
    71          if n < factor.Magnitude {
    72              return i
    73          }
    74      }
    76      return len(f.Factors) - 1
    77  }

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